
Professor, Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering


Research Theme:

Research Interests:

Low-cost and flexible photovoltaic (PV) devices


Dr. Servati received his PhD and MASc from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the University of Waterloo, in 2004 and 2000, respectively, and BASc from the University of Tehran, Iran, in 1998. Before joining UBC, he was a Research Associate at the Centre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics (CAPE), University of Cambridge working on nanowire growth and device engineering. Before joining the University of Cambridge in 2005, he was a Senior Research Scientist with Ignis Innovation Inc., a spin-off company of the University of Waterloo working on novel glass and plastic displays.

Dr. Servati is the winner of 2006 NSERC Canada-UK Millennium Research Award and 2005 NSERC Doctoral Prize, and the 2004 University of Waterloo Outstanding Achievement in Graduate Studies Honour. He has more than 80 publications in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, 4 patents and 10 patent applications, and 3 book chapters. He is the co-winner of the 2002/03 IEE Institution Premium for the Best Paper in Circuits, Devices, and Systems, and the winner of Bronze Medal in the XXV International Physics Olympiad (I.Ph.O.), Beijing, China, 1994. Dr. Servati is the regional editor for IEEE Electron Device Newsletter and the Chair of Displays Subcommittee for IEEE Photonics 2011.